Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kaleb's blessing

Kaleb's blessing...
Kaleb was blessed in our ward on Sunday, January 4, 2009.
He was blessed by his Grandpa Jo Goodall. It was
a beautiful blessing and we are so Thankful for
everyone who could be there, and missed those of
you who live so far away.
We had a wonderful meal afterward at our home
in Payson, that consisted of some wonderful chili
that Great Grandma Goodall made, bread sticks
and my personal favorite....doughnuts to go with
the chili!! Funny huh.???? In school we
always had chili and doughnuts (usually sugar)
for our school lunch. I just loved it:)
So needless to say most of Curtis' family
had never even heard of it, but once they got the taste
of it...they loved it too!!!!! You should try it sometime:)
We had a very spiritual day and loved having the opportunity of
having everyone at our home for this blessed event.