It all started with Whitney having a
hard time breathing. I took her down
to the office and we gave her 2 shots
of epinephrine and 2 breathing treatments.
She was still having a hard time breathing.
So after consulting with the Dr. he said that
the safest place for Whitney would be in the
hospital. But we could take her home and watch
her to see how she did for awhile and if she
got any worse then he would do a direct admit.
Which at 1:00am is exactly what happened next.
We went to the hospital and did a direct admit
and there she stayed overnight. When he was
getting ready to send her home her 0xygen level
was 86% (should be in the 90's). But after
some deep breathing he decided to let her go
home. The next day, she still felt tight in her chest
and like she couldn't get enough air in her lungs.
I took her back to the Dr. and her oxygen level
was in the low 80's. So he put her on some more
medications and ordered home oxygen and
decided at that point that we could do just as
much at home as they could in the hospital.
So, 2 weeks later she is still on oxygen and having
a hard time mostly at night getting enough air into
her lungs. I can only imagine the horrible and scary
feeling you must have to feel like you can't breathe, or
are suffocating!
Then last night we get a call from her boyfriends Dad
telling me that Travis and Whitney have been in a
car accident. The ambulance had taken Whitney to the
hospital and Travis was talking to the deputy on duty.
So we rush to the hospital and immediately found her
in a room on a backboard and her head and neck
braced so she couldn't move in either direction.
They did x-rays and a head CT. No broken bones
or stitches, and her CT is normal except she
has a concussion which is normal after an accident.
The Dr. said that it may take a few days, to weeks or longer
for her memory to come back. And some of it may never.
But they released her and she is home, so we are very
THANKFUL that her and Travis are OK. It could have been
a lot worse we have been told by police and others at the scene
of the accident. It was kind of sad that she couldn't remember us,
but slowly things are starting to come back and we had family
and her friends over today to help her remember. Keep her
in your prayers and we will keep you all posted. Love to all!
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